Craig’s Corner – About Us

by | Nov 10, 2020

Welcome to Craig’s Corner where we catch up with Craig Woolf, Wolfpack’s founder, to get to know him a bit better and also find out what game he is currently playing. If you have any questions for Craig, please post a reply to this blog!

1) So Craig, tells us how the idea of Wolfpack Games came together?

After 20 years in the corporate world I wanted to do something that I could look back on and be proud of. Something that related to my own passion and I enjoy doing. While all my life I wanted to run a bookshop, I also always loved playing games with the kids. My fondest memories of my own childhood revolved around me playing Red Aces with my grandmother (Nana). Just us. My older sister and younger brother were never interested. 

When my wife was travelling she came across some beautiful wooden games and knowing I had bought similar things before, brought them home to me. Her idea was that maybe I could import them to sell. If ever there was proof that my wife understood me deeply, this was it. While currently we only import, wholesale and retail other people’s ideas (with some design adjustments for safety by me), my goal is to design and develop my own range of games. 

For now, with over 60 product lines and 80 stockists including Catch and Kogan, while still a lot to do, and a long road ahead, I am very proud of where we are and just as excited for the future as I was the day I started.

2) What were you doing before you started Wolfpack Games?

While I worked predominantly in the Corporate IT world, I have also done a Double Masters (MBA/MBIS) as well as running a not for profit. 

3) What game are you currently playing / working on?

This is hard, as I am always playing or teaching any one or all of our games. My current favourite if pushed to decide is Paradox (Like Connect 4 meets Chess). 

4) What is it about this game that you like so much?

The simplicity of the moves combined with the concentration required to win means no matter if playing a beginner or seasoned vet, you can’t let your guard down. While great for social play, fun and engaging, the focus and strategy involved really aid in helping those with ADHD or in delaying the onset of dementia

5) Can you give us any hints as to how to play the game and win? 

When playing Paradox, one tactic I like, especially when defending (i.e making a move just to prevent your opponent winning), is to look for a move which turns the tables and puts your opponent on the back foot. The truism really applies here “The best form of defence is offence”

6) Talking about ADHD, can you tell us why this is such an important part of Wolfpack games? 

While most people see our games as just that, games, the reality is, most of them offer so much more in terms of educational or developmental benefits. Paradox is a wonderful example of this. Aesthetically pleasing with the two tone balls, so it looks great on a coffee table, it’s true value, as mentioned, is the focus and planning skills required, not to miss a trap as you try to see 3 – 4 moves ahead. For those who struggle with these skills, the game helps develop them.  Add to that of course is the social benefits of playing an opponent. Combined, it means this game aids those with ADHD build skills, while the mental faculties being engaged help delay the onset of dementia. Though in truth, it’s the strategic battle to beat an opponent that I truly enjoy!

Thanks for your time Craig, we will check in with you throughout the month to find out how you are getting on with Paradox and whether you can give us any hints or tips for success. 

Paradox is a fantastic game to play from age 10 and up – the goal is to get 4 in a row. Simple right? The trick is when you move one of your balls you have to move one of your opponents. This game will take 30 seconds to learn and a lifetime to master!

Wolfpack is a family-owned business selling wooden games to all ages. While we are all passionate about playing games solo and with our friends, our greatest passion is to help people to improve their development skills. Like the game Paradox, each of the Wolfpack games has a developmental benefit which we hope will be an added 

bonus to our customers. You can find out more about the benefits of each game on the product pages.

Alternately, if you would like some support from the team on your particular needs, please feel free to contact us on Facebook or via Email:


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