‘How to’ videos
We have created a range of quick videos so we can show you how to play our beautiful wooden puzzles & games.

Don't Break The Bottle (Wine)
How To Set up the Wine Puzzle*
(Video is slightly over 1 minute)
*(WARNING: This gives away the solution!)

Crazy 4
Watch a quick video to see how to play ‘Crazy 4’
(Video is slightly over 1 minute)

Snake Cube Puzzle
Watch a quick video of how to solve the Snake Cube*
(Video is slightly over 1 minute)
*(WARNING: This will give away the solution!)

3D X-O
Watch how to play ‘3D X-O’
(Video is 45 seconds)

Learn how to play ‘Tangrams’
(Video is over 4 minutes because there is a lot to learn )

Switch 8
Watch how to play ‘Switch 8’
(Video is under 1 minute)

Solitaire (Travel)
Watch how to play ‘Solitaire’
(Video is 45 seconds)

Black Sheep
Watch how to play ‘Black Sheep’
(Video is under 1 minute 30 seconds)

Last Fighter
Watch how to play ‘Last Fighter’
(Video is under 45 seconds)

Colour Match
Watch how to play ‘Colour Match’
(Video is under 1 minute 30 seconds)

More videos coming
More Videos Coming Soon
Not all of our games have videos yet. If you need one, drop an email to sales@wolfpack.games
This videos shows you how to play 3D X-O
Basically Noughts and Crosses or Tic Tac Toe but played on 3 Dimensions.
This is a brilliant, fun, educational, twist on an old favourite, which challenges even the smartest of us to think more laterally and spatially if we want to beat our opponent.
Players take turns, trying to create a line of 3 Xs or Os. The winner is the 1st player who manages to place 3 of their playing pieces in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line.
Alternatively, play until the game board is full and all the pieces have been placed – the player with the most lines of 3 in any direction, wins.
Note: As there are 3 rows and 3 columns, there is an uneven number of pieces (27), so whomever has the most pieces starts.
3D X-O (3 Dimensional Noughts and Crosses)
$39.95 Inc. GST
Do you consider yourself a dab hand when it comes to noughts and crosses? Then this is for you. It takes the classic Noughts and Crosses (tic-tac-toe) and makes it far more complicated.
- Suitable for 2 players
- Age 6 and up
- Sustainable Wood (Monkey Pod and Rubber Wood)
This videos shows you how to play Colour Match
Looks like dominoes, and fits neatly in the box for easy travel.
Colour Match
$19.95 Inc. GST
This game seems easy but it is more challenging than you realise! Match the colours and win. Test your strategy and speed at the same time. While it is rated Level 4 (Unbelievable), it is actually also great for young children as the concept is simple enough to explain (though not to solve).
- Suitable for 1 player
- Age 6 and up
- Sustainable Wood (Monkey Pod and Rubber Wood)
- Level 4 (Unbelievable)
This videos shows you how to play Solitaire (and Round Solitaire)
Watch Elly as she teaches you the basic steps.
Solitaire is a single player game and is great for all ages.
Move by jumping a peg over an adjacent peg, horizontally or vertically only.
The peg jumped over is then removed. Repeat this, until only one peg is left in the centre of the board.
Solitaire (Travel)
$24.95 Inc. GST
Are you bored when you are on the go? Why not try travel solitaire. Here is the challenge: 1) finish the game with one peg in the middle hole and; 2) finish in as few moves as possible
- Suitable for 1 player
- Age 10 and up
- Sustainable Wood (Monkey Pod and Rubber Wood)
- Level 4 (Unbelievable)
This videos shows you how to play Crazy 4
Watch Elly (one of our amazing Wolfcubs) show you what to do.
Looks easier than it is. Enjoy trying to solve this puzzle.

This videos shows you how to play Black Sheep
Watch Elly (one of our amazing Wolfcubs) show you what to do.
Black Sheep comes with 47 different challenges from very easy (so you can practice the concept) to just plain hard!
Play by yourself, or work with friends to get through all the levels. You won’t remember how you did it, so you can always start again (but maybe jump to level 5 or so…)!
Black Sheep Puzzle
$69.95 Inc. GST
Are you the black sheep of the family? Try to get rid of all the white sheep until it is just the black sheep left! Try to get through all 47 challenges from Easy to the ridiculous!
- Suitable for 1 player
- Age 6 and up
- Sustainable Wood (Monkey Pod and Rubber Wood)
- Difficulty Level 4 (Unbelievable)
This video shows you how to play Switch 8
A beautiful travel puzzle or great for testing your mind. Watch Max show you what to do.
The aim of this single player challenge is to swap each set of coloured pegs with the other.
Try to do it in as few moves, or jumps, as possible.
You can only move or jump forwards
Watch the video to learn how to play, but be warned, this is not the solution…

This video shows you how to set up the Wine Puzzle
This is one of the hardest puzzles to solve and the meanest gift you can give a friend.
Can you get the wine out of the puzzle?
Watch the video to learn how to set it up or take apart, but be warned, the video contains the solution…

Don’t Break the Bottle (Wine)
$59.95 Inc. GST
Wolfpack’s best seller! This is the perfect gift for any dinner party because freeing the bottle of wine will keep you busy for hours. You might want a spare bottle of wine to drink while you play this game.
- Suitable for one player
- Adult only
- Sustainable Wood (Monkey Pod and Rubber Wood)
- Level 4 (Unbelievable)
If you need it to arrive fully set up add wine…
This video shows you how to play Tangrams
Ancient and difficult, these are hard to solve (though with the answers on the back), great for young kids also, as they can try the ‘solution’ side). Watch Max and Elly (our superstars Wolfcubs) race each other after explaining the game.
There are three different options: Choose from Chicken and Egg (54 different chickens to make), Heart, (with 42 different shapes from 2 Heart shape sets of wood) or the traditonal Double Tangram (with 64 challenges, this one is for the adults or older kids)
Play on your own, solving the challenges or race a friend!
Our Tangrams all come with 2 sets of woods and plenty of challenges to try.
Chicken & Egg Tangram
$49.95 Inc. GST
Make any of the 54 Chickens from the 9 pieces - play by yourself, or race someone with the second set of 9 wooden pieces.
Contains: Two Eggs: (2) sets of wood and 54 different challenge cards, each with a hard side and an easy (or answer) side.
Perfect for the young children as the animals engage their imaginations, and for the bird lovers - as there are enough birds to make you fly the coup!
Looking for something for a slightly different target audience? Try Double Tangram for the older kids or adults and check out Heart Tangram - a sweet gift to grandpa from the grandkids or a romantic gesture to a loved one?
This videos shows you how to solve the Snake Cube puzzle (& Snake Cube Key Ring).
Take the cube apart so it looks like a squiggly snake (the small cubes will still remain connected to each other via a hidden string) then try to put the snake back into a 3×3 cube.

Got a question about a game, can't find the right gift or anything else?
Check out the Guide to Choosing page or
Email Wolfpack Games sales@wolfpack.games